CBR Covers Powered by the Apocalypse

Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast get a lot of press these days. Nerd media outlets cover every new supplement release with rapt attention to detail and reverence toward rockstar designers. So it’s nice to see a CBR.com give press to a smaller published game engine like Powered by the Apocalypse. We are huge fans of the narrative centered game mechanics and endless setting options this engine offers and have been practically begging gamers to give it a try for years. Two standout systems that use this game engine are Dungeon World and Uncharted Worlds. They are both immaculately designed. Come see what all the fuss is about in the article below.

A.P. Weber

A.P. Weber (Writer) is the author of the YA fantasy adventure series of novels "The Adventures of Woodrow the Wicked," creator of the short fiction podcast "Lies and Half Truths," and currently writes the indie sci-fi comic Ion Grip.


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