Tabletop and D&D getting attention from world’s top VCs…


A16Z—one of the top Venture Capital firms in the world—posted a big write up of the perspective on the future of rpg, tabletop, and board games. They’ve got a ton of stats about growth of players and live streaming—and of course Critical Role gets a shout out.

It’s interesting for me to see VCs take notice. They’re right about a lot, behind the curve on some things, and have some interesting—if curious—ideas, like this one:

Since every action is narrated aloud in D&D, Alexa or Google can serve effectively as your Dungeon Master.

I’m not ready for an AI as my primary DM—I think that’s more like a text adventure than RPG. I’m not going to RP with Alexa.

Joshua Oakes

Joshua is the Principal and Creator of Who First™. He helps organizations of all sizes develop the superpower of customer understanding with the Who First™ framework.


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